Free printable suduko puzzles


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The game of suduko originated in the eighteenth century. It means 'only one number'. It is basically a number in-line game of filling in numbers, it does not involve any calculation knowledge but needs reasoning and logical thinking to come up with the answers.

it is a good way to give the mind some exercises.

Printable Sudoku Puzzles

For each printable sudoku, It has a unique solution that can be reached logically without guessing and solution is also provided.

Suduko rules

The rules are very simple. The players have to fill in the numbers on a 9x9 square ( this square is divided into nine 3x3 smaller squares), and subsequently every vertical and horizontal rows and every small square should be filled with a different number from 1 to 9.

Free printable suduko puzzles

Our site has a large amount of printable suduko puzzles, in PDF format. Every suduko has one single answer, and all are solvable through logic, and no need for any guessing and solution is also provided.

You are free to print or download suduko puzzles, refer them to your friends, put them on magazine, or save on CDs.



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